2000 Old Timer's Reunion Report
May 26, 2000

This is what greeted us for the 18th annual Old-Timers Reunion. Yes, the grass is real. Under the swings is a soft, rubber material that OSHA would be proud of.
Could it be that it was like this when I was in first grade in 1941? I don't think so. I think we used to have rock fights here. I don't know where the kids today could find good rocks.
The reunion was great, as always. Marcia Whitney and her family did a lot of work so that we could kick back and have a good time. Thanks Marcia, from everyone.
Ninety seven signed the register, the second largest group ever (I think). By way of interest, about 65 individuals seem to come every year and about 30 - 40 come as they are able. In one respect, each reunion is different because one third of the group changes from year to year. I find that within this second group there are about six friends that I haven't seen in ages. This year, for me, it included Bob and Stella Reed, Corky and Bobby Sue Poole, Janet Lowe and her husband Austin Lynas, Dale Lowe and Jay Kemple. Here's hoping they can come every year.
At the reunion I shared a letter from John Coushay, a grandson of Mary Moorhouse. I will indude a copy of it with this mailing. I believe that Mary's daughter, who brought her to past reunions, has passed away. But Mary is doing just fine. Wish we could all be there to celebrate each birthday with her.

On Sunday, it became known that next to the Pioneer Saloon was a gift shop. And that they had a 44-page history of Goodsprings, Jean, Sandy Valley, Yellow Pine Camp, etc. Suddenly there was a run on the gift shop and in a moment a whole stack of these booklets had been sold. I got the next to the last one, but I am sure they can order more.
It has a lot of interesting pictures, information, and tells something about almost every mine in the district. It mentions over 500 people. But, unfortunately, there are many inaccuracies and lots of omissions. I thought it had the potential to be a great book and could be a family keepsake, if only the errors and omissions could be corrected.
So I thought I would make copies to send to a few people and see if they would mark and correct errors. Then maybe we could arrange for a corrected edition. The author apparently lives in Oregon, close to me.
Also, I would like to see added some mention of a few more families. Good- springs seems incomplete without mention of Miss Williams and a few others who made real footprints in the community.

So who says the Old Timers couldn't make it to the Lunch Cave? The Lowe kids, david, Janet and Lisle made it. In the back is our Sherpa guide from Las Vegas. Sorry but I misplaced his name.
See you next Year
I Always forget to review the sign-in sheets while at the reunion. Then when I get home I have tons of questions. There were six sign-ins showing new addresses but no zip codes. One husband was at 435 34th Ave. and the wife at 453 34th Ave. (Well I guess it's possible.) So if you don't get the announcement next year, come anyway. See you the first week end in May, 2001.
March 25, 2000
Bill Hamilton
Dear Bill Hamilton,
I am writmg this note for Mary Moorhouse, my grandmother. She cannot make the reunion but wants you to pass onto everyone that she is doing well, that is for someone that is going to be 106 soon. She misses Goodsprings, her "Little Hacienda" and her many friends and neighbors. She wants to send a special "hi" to the Steven's clan. The Lowe's, Elaine Willie, Bonnie and Coyote Don. She also wants to thank you for keeping the "Goodsprings Old Timers Reunion" going for she so enjoyed attending these reunions, preparing her special dish and most of all visiting with everyone.
John Coushay