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Miner's Cabins &

Campbell Stone Cabin

The miners cabin, one made of corrugated metal and the other of wooden planks, are typical of cabins once found in mining camps all over Nevada. Cambell's Stone Cabin is a building just west of the, behind the fence. It is the oldest building in Goodsprings and one of the oldest standing buildings in Clark County. It is a simple structure made of dry-laid rocks. Wealthy Utah mining investor and promoter A.G. Campbell builds the structure in 1886. Jonas Taylor and William Smith all prospected in the area. Campbell held extensive property in the District including, much of the Goodsprings town site, Keystones, Ardentena, Golden Chariot and Barefoot mines.

Goodsprings 4.jpg

Welcome to the Walking Tour

Walking Tour Map.png

** All locations are privately owned, please respect private property.

Goodsprings School Walking Tour GX.png
Yellow Pine Mill Cottage.png
Yellow Pine Mill Site.png
General Stores Site.png
Pioneer Saloon.png
Goodsprings Fayle Hotel.png
Business District.png
Post Office.png
Good's Spring Site.png
Cottonwood Cabin NEW.png
Schwartz Mercantile.png
Club House.png
Miner Cabin.png
Goodsprings Community Church.png
Robbins Family Home.png
Coyote Den.png
Wasserbach Home (1915) NEW.png
Piehl Home NEW.png
Munzebrock Cabin.png
McClanahan Home (CA. 1910) NEW.png
Feaster House.png
Frederickson Adobe (1914) NEW.png
Yellow Pine Mine Trail.png
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