2006 Announcement
Goodsprings Old Timer's Reunion
May 6th and 7th
24th Annual
Do you know the names of these people? Going down the left side I would say that they are John Egger, Marion & Jane Piehl, Eileen Jacobson (Parley), and Lois Jacobson (Mass). Going down the right side I think, are Jane Schwarts (Fleming) and Elizabeth Schwartz, Mary McClanahan, Evelyn Kemple (Stewart), and Betty Fredrickson. They are from a box of 50 or more pictures that my uncle Paul Hughes had and that my cousin Carol Woodbury sent to me.

Hope each of you can make it this year. It is always a great time.
Saturday, May 6th
Community Center will open at 8:00 AM for donuts, coffee, tea, and registration.
Pot luck at 1:OOPM
Goodsprings Historical Society meeting following the pot luck.
Sunday, May 7th
A great miner's breakfast will be served from 8:00 until 11:00 am. About 1:00 pm it is pot luck time again. Then visits and good-byes.