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28th Old Timer's Reunion Report

May 1st and 2nd 2010


Saturday began slowly over usual coffee and donuts at 8 am with a few people visiting old time friends that gradually grew to 52 who signed into the register on Saturday and 45 on Sunday. There were more but not all signed in.

We were happy to see all the long distant friends that come each year. We missed Ed Fayle, Mary Hald, the Kemples from Utah and Anita Braff with her family along with many more. Among the missing were Corky Poole, who underwent open-heart surgery, and Patti Poole with a broken hip. Of course were happy to see everyone who attended and hope to see you all next year too.

Traditional Miner's Breakfast was served by Ruth Rawlinson and her helping crew providing a great feast. All in all, a good time was had in spite of the economy at the time.

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members at GOTR meeting.


Steve Fleming presented a framed photo collage of Marcia to the group. The photo will be archived by GHS and displayed at future meetings. This annual recognition award will be ongoing and, each year, highlight a founding member of the Old-Timer's Reunion.


A collection of articles on Allen Campbell was on display as arranged by his great granddaughter, Barbara Schwartz.

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GOTR meeting and Steve.


GHS had historical mugs available for fund raising which were designed by Corky Poole.

Julie Newberry presented her collection of school displays at the old Community Center, which thrilled everyone.

The Goodsprings Historical Society, GHS, held their meeting at 2:30 PM on Saturday opening with pledge of allegiance then a tribute to those whom we lost during the past year.

A tribute to those who passed was read by Julie Newberry. Donn Blake rang the bell followed by a moment of silence for Brad Whitney, Hershel Smith, Grant Robbins II, Howard Whitney, Thelma Chadburn and Dolores Williams.

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Elaine and Les.


Bobbie Poole was at the bedside of Corky but she made the historic pillows to be given as prizes. We thank her for the generous donation.

Old West Rendezvous took place at the Gold Strike at Jean this same weekend with a GHS booth being maintained by Liz and Claude Warren.

Elections took place for five trustee positions. Those elected were Steve Fleming, Julie Newberry, Liz Warren, Dave Lowe, and Ruth Rawlinson.

Dan Rhodes, treasurer of Goodsprings Cemetery Assoc, stated the American Legion was planning to add the three missing names to the sandstone marker with the names of deceased veterans.

It was noted that the Goodsprings School has been listed by Preserve Nevada as one of the most endangered historical sites in Nevada.

Bobbie Poole's historic handmade pillows were the most cherished items. We thank her for the generous donation. Drawing winners were Mike Cartwright (pillow), Charles Barnes, David Lowe, Ruth Rawlinson (afghan), Lisle Lowe (hat), Annette Fisherman, Donn Blake (T-shirt), Ann Kelly (buffet) and Julie Newberry (buffet).

We currently have 58 paid of 122 members, including 8 Gold and 9 Lead. Please try to update your dues if possible as your donations are appreciated and worthy.

The reunion "kitty" took in enough to cover reunion supplies.

We hope to see all of you next April 30, 2011.

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