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Goodsprings Historical Society  
40th Reunion/Annual Meeting
May 6, 2023

Times, Events & Locations


Miner’s Breakfast - Community Center



Registration/Drawing Tickets GHS Displays/Notebooks Walking Tour Signups - Community Center



School Open for Visits - Goodspring School



Library Opens - Library



Memorial Celebration for Julie Newberry - Schoolyard



Group Picture - Schoolyard



Hotdogs-Volunteer Fire Dept. - Community Center



Annual Meeting, Scholarship Awards - Goodsprings Museum

Steve at Museum.jpeg

President’s Messsage


     We look forward to welcoming you to the 40th GoodspringsReunion. Oldtimers started this celebration, but it is for everyonewho cares about Goodsprings. We are excited that we will finally fulfill one of our longtime goals: a Town Museum. It will be located at site #16 on our Walking Tour. The struggle to preserve our history was “brought to light” again when the 110+ year old Robbins building (#15 on our Walking Tour) was torn down.

     Our sincere sympathy goes out to the families of 5 longtime GHS members: Charles Barnes, Ed Fayle, Mickey Moran, Julie Newberry and Bob Osburn. They were not only vital members of GHS but lifelong friends. They will be sorely missed.



Please attend our annual GHS meeting. May 6. 2:00pm

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